Michael Alan | Crystal Wagner | Salvador Dali


APRIL 12th – MAY 6th, 2018


AFA Gallery is proud to present: Collision of Gray Matter, an exhibition of etchings by Salvador Dalí, drawings by Michael Alan, and sculptures by Crystal Wagner.  Through a shared visual language of line, color, and movement, the work of these three artists demonstrates the various implementations of intuitive art-making.  


20th century surrealist icon, Salvador Dalí, took a systematic approach to working intuitively.  As a result of his fascination with Sigmund Freud and the significance of the subconscious, Dalí developed techniques to deliberately access his dreams in order to facilitate creative, free-flowing associations between ideas.  By harnessing the expressive, spontaneous nature of his dreams, Dalí was able to create the uncanny imagery he is revered for today. 


Brooklyn-based artist, Michael Alan, creates his intricate line drawings using an intuitive process of translating energy into images.  Alan’s line work is both intentional and chaotic, creating physical records of the intangible essence of his subjects. 


Contemporary artist, Crystal Wagner, uses intuition to organically construct her biomorphic paper sculptures, piece by piece.  When Wagner creates a large-scale site-specific work, she allows the space to dictate the flow and form that her installation will take.  While even more abstract than the work of Dalí and Alan, Wagner’s sculptures express the same sense of movement through the use of dynamic, instinctual lines and forms.